On Friday Alpha Media Holdings in partnership with Hivos and Scanlen Holderness hosted AMH Conversations , running under the theme “A labour law to stimulate economic growth,” at Cresta Lodge ‘s Sango Conference Centre

Pictures by Aaron Ufumeli

Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa , ZiFM radio personality officiating as the Master of Ceremonies

Alpha Media Holdings Managing Director Vincent  Kahiya giving welcoming remarks.

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Human resources expert Memory Nguwi, was one of the panelists

The Guest of Honour from the Ministry of Labour was Permanent Secretary Ngoni Masoka

From left EMCOZ President Joe Kahwema and ZCTU Vice President Peter Mutasa

ILO National Director Hopolang Phororo stressing a point during her presentation

Part of the delegates who attended the discussion

Rudo Magundani of Scanlen and Holderness moderating the discussion

Delegates during the question and answer segment

Tambudzai Madzimure (Far left) from Hivos was among  the delegates at the forum.