OVER 20 beautiful female Utakataka Express fans will, tomorrow night, compete for the Miss Utakataka crown that will be handed over to the most beautiful fan by the incumbent, Caren Chimoyo.


The contestants are not necessarily professional models, but are proven fans of sungura musician Peter Moyo, according to the organisers.

The pageant will be held at City Sports Bar in Harare and will coincide with the official reopening of the bar which has been undergoing a facelift over the last two months.

Two other fans will replace Tyra Muropa and Thelma Ndumure, who were crowned first and second princess respectively at the inaugural pageant held last year.

Concert promoter Biggie Chinoperekwei said the pageant’s main objective was to support the musician and honour his female fans for their loyalty to the Utakataka brand.

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“As Devine Assignments, we have our artistes at heart and as part of showing our support to them, we support their initiatives hence joining them [Utakataka Express] as funders of this pageant,” Chinoperekwei said.

“We have a good working relationship with Peter Moyo so we committed ourselves to host this pageant.”

Chinoperekwei said there have been numerous enquiries since they started advertising the pageant and stressed that it was not a formal modelling pageant, but the winners would not go home empty-handed.

After the beauty pageant, revellers will be entertained by Utakataka Express who will be staging their first show on home ground after a successful South African tour.

The Young Igwe urged fans to come in their numbers and promised a top-notch performance.