PEOPLE’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader Tendai Biti has reiterated that his party is open to a coalition with other political parties who are keen on bringing change to the “long-suffering masses”.

BY Staff Reporter

Biti, who was addressing party members at Murehwa Centre on Sunday, said they would “create a coalition of cheetahs”.

“We will work with other political parties who believe in achieving a better life for all,” he said.

The former Finance minister also made a call to the nation to use the new Constitution to stop the “Zanu PF madness”, which he said had resulted in the total collapse of the country’s economy.

Biti, who formed his own party this year after parting ways with the Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDC-T, is on record saying he would work with any progressive forces, except his former boss.

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“In 2016, let us not tolerate Zanu PF’s nonsense,” he said.

“As the PDP, we do not believe in the use of violence and arms of war, but let us use the country’s Constitution to say no to bad governance.

“Next year, we are putting an end to this nonsense. We will bring down the walls of Jericho. As Zimbabweans, we should not admire nor tolerate this Zanu PF madness.

“Let us say no and use our Constitution to free ourselves.”

Biti said the country needed a new beginning, as Zanu PF’s old ideas could not solve the current problems. He launched an attack on President Robert Mugabe, whom he said did not have anything to show, in terms of progress, despite being in power for 35 years.

“The Harare-Nyamapanda Highway remains in the same state as it was during the (former Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian) Smith regime when it was constructed,” he said.

“There are no new power stations in Hwange or elsewhere that were constructed after independence and that is why we no longer have electricity.”

Zimbabwe, Biti said, used to be the breadbasket of Africa producing over four million tonnes of maize in the rural areas alone, but now a communal farmer was producing only 66kg per hectare, as the Zanu PF government was not assisting the farmers.

“Zimbabweans are working hard, but are poor due to the corruption in government. Mugabe was recently in Tanzania witnessing the inauguration ceremony of that country’s fifth President, yet he is not even ashamed that such a succession process fails to take place in Zimbabwe,” he said. PDP has produced policy documents, HOPE and ARREST, that it says will shape how Zimbabwe gets out of its current economic, social and political crises.