Most companies in Zimbabwe are still shy of online advertising with some barely having an online presence inspite of the growing internet population in Zimbabwe which has grown by more than 100 percent since 2009 when 3G was introduced.


Not only is the internet population growing but the demographics are very useful for advertisers. For example, the top readers for NewsDay, TheIndependent, TheStandard and SouthernEye websites, are in the age range of 25-54 years old, which is arguably the working/earning population. Most of the users of our websites are from Zimbabwe followed by South Africa, the United Kingdom and the US.

Any serious business is guided by facts, figures and measurable statistics. Online advertising provides all of these metrics. Most traditional forms of advertising such as billboards, print, radio cannot provide statistics of reader engagement or reach as accurately as online advertising does.

In addition to providing metrics online advertising is generally a lot cheaper than traditional forms of advertising- an opportunity which marketers cannot afford to miss out on!

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The ZAMPS report states that the Herald has got a higher print circulation rate than NewsDay, a statement which has been heavily disputed by publishers including the Chairman of Alpha Media Holdings.

Unfortunately this misconception has spilled over to online advertising in the form of a general assumption that the Herald has got more traffic than the NewsDay. Thankfully for all, online platforms can be measured with transparency.

NewsDay currently has more than 13 million pageviews a month and Opera Software Company acknowledged that The NewsDay was among the most accessed websites in Zimbabwe on mobile phones using Opera as a browser- according the Opera 2014 Mobile Report. We are the only media organisation that openly avails statistics for public consumption. Our social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter lead mainstream media in Zimbabwe with our Facebook account having reached a half million milestone!

The most important metric for online advertising is website’s pageviews. Pageviews simpy put are the number of pages which have been viewed on a website over a period of time. A website with higher pageviews will normally deliver higher impressions for your advert. Impressions simply put are the number of times your advert has been viewed by potential customers. It’s almost impossible to get more impressions for your advert from a website with less pageviews.

An online advert’s success is mainly measured by Impressions, As well as clicks, the number of clicks your advert receives is most often a sign of how much interest your advert has created. Clicks and Impressions can lead to sales conversions for your business or brand. These metric is extremely important and cannot be based on assumption.

Progressive decision makers and marketers cannot miss out on this opportunity. Alpha Media Holdings team is more than capable to deliver the best advertising options in Zimbabwe. And at the risk of sounding biased, “If I were you, I would give us a call or email us at or +263 4 771722/3 +263 778 067 082 Digital Advertising and or +263 775 202 251 Print Advertising.

Bethel Goka is a Digital Marketer and Web Developer at Alpha Media Holdings.