The business impasse between South African-based businessman, Dharmesh Nagar and businesswoman Patience Chivasa over the supply of Zanu PF women’s league campaign T-shirts has taken a new twist after the latter made a police report against the former for allegedly tampering with her email and insulting her over the phone following a failed deal.


Nagar, who is the strategy director for Sebenzisa Marketing and Communications trading as Media Revolutions, is alleged to have tampered with Chivasa’s email and presented the same to the police, leading to the latter being charged and convicted of fraud.

Chivasa has since reported Nagar for allegedly insulting her over the phone under RRB 2803100 and forgery under RRB 2803101, and the CR numbers for the matters being 356/05/16 and 346/05/16.

Meanwhile, Nagar also obtained a default judgment against Chivasa after the latter failed to attend court, but she has since filed an application for recession of judgment.

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Her matter for a review of the criminal trial is pending at the High Court.

Yesterday, Nagar said that his company had handed over investigations on the matter to the Zimbabwean police, and was satisfied with the outcomes of the investigation and the subsequent court cases.

“We have full confidence in the Zimbabwean legal system,” he said.

“The fact remains that the courts found rightly in our favour and ordered the repayment of money owing to us. As such, we will not engage in public debate via the Zimbabwean media over details of the case. Instead, we will rely on the courts to uphold justice, should Ms Chivasa choose to proceed with her appeal.”

Chivasa’s lawyer, Sebastian Guwuriro, however, said Nagar was yet to file a response to the application.

“We have not yet received anything from Sebenzisa, but we are just waiting for a set-down date to have our matter dealt with by the High Court,” he said.