SELF–Motivated author and motivational speaker, Munatsi Sande on Sunday launched his debut book, Greatness Awaits at Faith Ministries Centre in Mbare, with hundreds of people in attendance.


In an interview with NewsDay, Sande, a pastor, said his book provides a combination of inspirational and guiding steps on how to realise one’s potential.

“The reason I wrote this book is to send a message that God can use anyone at anytime. One can never be too young or old to be great,” he said.

“Greatness Awaits is not a book just to be read, but it can be used as a map, a life’s manual and the key application to life’s lessons. We are born for greatness, every man under the sun grows up harbouring secret ambitions to be someone and to do something special with their lives.”

Sande said he was overwhelmed by the support he has received from the community, his family and friends at the launch.

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“I am excited to have launched my first book, which is a legacy to me, as I am now 40 years, which is a significant age, as they say, life begins at 40 and I am amazed at how God can do so much with so little,” he said.

“I am stunned at what I have achieved. I feel fresh and ready to witness the unfolding greatness. The launch was successful in demonstrating the greatness within everyone who attended the event.”

Sande said he was inspired by the successful launch of the book and has already started working on his next book titled Greatness Unfolds.