Local jazz sensation, Kireni Zulu has taken a dig at the rise of fake prophets in his new album Prophet Kitiwell.


Kireni Zulu

The title track is laced with lyrics that describe bogus men of the cloth, who manipulate gullible followers for their own benefit.

In the song, the cat metaphorically takes the character of the prophet, while rats take on the form of people, who are promised that if they attend the prophets’ churches they are better positioned to inherit the finer things in life.

“Mice, mice repent, the kingdom of God is near, come worship in my church, full of miracles and you shall strike gold. You shall be rich within my church,” Zulu sings.

“All other churches are fake and only mine is real. Within my church, you shall buy fancy cars and beautiful houses.”

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Zulu, through the allegorical song, seems to be issueing a subtle warning that people should be more alert and sceptical when dealing with such characters.

“We will die, this is a lie, when did the cat become a prophet? Be careful, nice things have the capacity to kill, what you want to do will destroy you. Don’t forget this is the cat we are talking about,” he sings.

The rats eventually fall prey to the calculating and manipulative cat in the song.

The song strongly resonates with how people in the present day have fallen victim to conniving prophets, who have drawn them to their churches with sweet promises of heaven on earth, but instead have ripped them off Zulu launched his album at a colourful ceremony at Cresta Oasis Hotel on Wednesday.