BULAWAYO High Court judge, Justice Francis Bere, has freed Nigerian businessman and church leader, Oma Alphonsus Achinulo, who was being accused of stealing $70 000 from his Zimbabwean business partner, Nicholas Masuku.


This came after Justice Bere upheld Achinulo’s application for discharge, which had been dismissed by Matabeleland South provincial magistrate Maphios Moyo earlier on.

“The decision of the magistrates’ court…handed down on May 11, 2016 wherein, the court dismissed the application…for discharge… is hereby set aside…,” ruled Justice Bere.

The State had alleged that Achinulo, who is a director of Enfund Trading Company, stole $70 533, 34 from Masuku.

Allegations were that on October 20, 2010, Masuku, the managing director of N and S Properties, agreed with Umzingwane Rural District Council to service and develop residential stands at Feinspruit Township.

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Masuku partnered with Achinulo, who was to provide an earthmover and an excavator for the project.

Achinulo allegedly only supplied an earthmover in violation of the deed of partnership, but subsequently became finance director of the partnership.

They later ran out of resources and Masuku approached the council asking for permission to sell 43 stands to raise money to buy water reticulation pipes and materials to complete the project.

From May 2011 to February 2012, Achinulo allegedly received a total of $70 533,34, diverted it to his personal use and refused to show Masuku the merged company’s financial records.