Title: Destiny Sagacity (7 in One) Author: Ralph Kadurira et al Publisher: Mind Blower Publishers (2017)

There is a positive and transformative wave of literature sweeping across Africa and young people are finding it expedient to ride on this wave and sail alongside literature veterans in sharing ideas and showcasing their youthful creative minds with the world.


This reality is well demonstrated in a literature collaboration entitled Destiny Sagacity — (7 in One), written by seven inspired youths from three African countries, whose message is all about sharing experiences and knowledge around destiny.

Destiny Sagacity fuses together some life transforming insights and showcases the writing skills of inspired and game changing young people such as Marshal Chiza (Zimbabwe), Thembi Dhlamini (South Africa), Lunga Izata (Angola), Tariro Anifasi (Zimbabwe), Ralph Kadurira (Zimbabwe), Pablo Chimusoro (Zimbabwe) and Tanyaradzwa Masaire (Zimbabwe).

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This collaboration is indeed a beautiful literature coat of many colours because of several reasons that can be drawn from both the process of compilation and in the contents of the compilation as well.

From the process of compilation, this literature project is proof that youths from different countries, backgrounds and gender can agree to come and work together for their common good.

Destiny Sagacity also shows that youths can be active opinion leaders that can positively and progressively influence societal reality through sharing their ideas and participating in mutually beneficial activities compared to merely complaining about lack of opportunities and jobs.

This book is an invaluable tool for raising an acute awareness on, of and about destiny. It helps and encourages people especially the youth to make sound decisions about one’s purpose and mission on earth.

A literature project by seven different people and made of seven chapters of different genres including short stories, the book is sometimes very touching and encouraging, entertaining and inspiring.

The chapters, thereof, includes BIG (Books, Individuals, Goals) by Marshal Chiza, Dead Man Alive by Tariro Anifasi, Destiny Calls by Ralph Kadurira, Hidden Treasure by Thembi Dhlamini, Understand Your Purpose by Pablo Chimusoro, Destined To Be Radical by Tanya Masaire and Destiny Detour by Lunga Izata.

Marshal Chiza, an education ambassador and motivational speaker, shares what he calls the B.I.G (Books, Individuals, Goals) concept when it comes to destiny.

Chiza highlights the importance of reading good books, interacting with the right people and setting smart goals towards success in life.

In Destiny Calls, Ralph Kadurira talks about self-discovery in which he advises on the importance of discovering what you are very good at and then encourages you to concentrate and invest on that in your success endeavours.

As you burrow through Destiny Sagacity, you will notice a beautiful and yet lesson laden contrast in Tanya Masaire’s poetically toned Destined To Be Radical and Thembi Dhlamini’s Hidden Treasure.

Tanya’s contribution is a beautiful story of love, role models, family values, miracles, difficult choices, tragedy, victory, joy, happiness, motivation, gratitude.

She indulges in suspense which brings to the readers’ attention a sudden twist of fate that tests, proves and challenges the general perspective of love when push comes to shove.

On the other hand, Dhlamini’s story is a painful, touching and yet inspiring story of hope and achievement in which she shows how she endured and conquered her soul breaking childhood experiences.

At the end, both Masaire and Dhlamini’s pieces help to show that regardless of background, you can still rise up, fly high and shine in the skies.

In Dead Man Alive, Anifasi, a poet, author and intellectual property specialist by profession, uses vivid imagery to demonstrate what people generally go through and contend with in their day-to-day living.

Her story teaches and helps the reader to be open-minded in interacting with other people since in them also lies some beauty that may not be visible to the eyes of an immature mind.

Izata Lunga brings to the readers’ attention the oxymoronic personalities that can be found in an individual in her Destiny Detour as she talks about how falling in love positively or negatively affects destiny and how the pressure to blend with the societal normal suffocates inner peace.

In Understand Your Purpose, Chimusoro, who believes that his purpose in life is to inspire, motivate and convert people’s potential into remarkable performance, says that a person’s purpose is found in the answer to the question why you are here on earth.

He uses a real life tourism related story about Victoria Falls to teach an important lesson concerning the decisions that must be made in order to live a meaningful and successful life.