NINETEEN-YEAR-OLD beauty, Ruvimbo Thandeka Mukandatsama, was on Friday night crowned Miss Beitbridge after shrugging off stiff competition from seven other contestants. Former Miss Beitbridge, Amanda Makhate and Carolis Moyo, were judged first and second princess respectively at the pageant held under the theme, Beauty, Brains, Leadership and Goodwill.


Mukandatsama — who received a cash prize, a contract with Open Eye Modelling Agency and qualification for a similar contest in Cape Town later this year and will be the face of the Victoria Online Publicity Magazine during her reign — was ecstatic.

“Now the sky is the limit. I worked hard on my confidence. I was nervous previously,” she told NewsDay Life & Style on the sidelines of the pageant, which was hosted by the 2012 Miss Zimbabwe (USA), Vanessa Mbedzi.

Mbedzi worked alongside the 2010 Miss Tourism Zimbabwe, Samantha Tshuma.

“I am pleased I was able to expose the talent in Beitbridge,” Mbedzi, who is a business studies graduate from the Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, said.

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“Part of the amount raised from the show will sponsor the education of 20 less privileged school children at Makhakhavhule Primary School.”

She appealed to businesspeople in Beitbridge to plough back into the community.

Mbedzi organised the pageant through her Project Runway, which she runs with Veronica Demetria Moyo and Gracious Nyathi.

She expressed gratitude to Golden Treasure Films an Beitbridge Watchmen, a local charity group, for backing the pageant.