WOMEN have been warned against using the morning-after pill for birth control, because continued use of the drug has devastating side effects which could cause complications in pregnancy.


Margret Nyandoro, deputy director for reproductive health in the Health ministry made the remarks at a basic health and life skills workshop held at State House yesterday.

“The morning-after pill is an emergency pill, you don’t just use it anyhow. Pills are hormones you don’t want to overload your body, you don’t know what will happen, so we encourage people to use it as a an emergency not as a family planning issue.

“We appreciate when one is raped or when the condom breaks or if you did not take your tablets well, but it is not something you can do every day,” she said. This comes amid reports of a rising demand for the pill among adolescents and female college students.

Speaking at the same event, First Lady Auxilia Mnangagwa urged women to attend workshops on basic health care to equip themselves with the requisite health tips.

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“The absence of information hinders progress and with basic health skills and knowledge a woman can become the first caregiver and adviser in the home.

“I have come across lots of young and old people suffering from lack of knowledge and because I did not have knowledge, I could not help them, this is why I have requested the ministry to teach me,” she said.