A THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD Form 1 student from Emakhandeni suburb in Bulawayo was on Monday electrocuted while fetching lemons from a tree, acting chief fire officer, Edward Mpofu has confirmed.

“On Monday morning we attended a fatal incident at house number XXXX Emakhandeni suburb. A 13-year-old boy got electrocuted while getting lemons from a tree using a long wire that got into contact with overhead electric cables. Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (Zesa) switched off power to allow fire fighters to remove the body from the tree,’’ Mpofu said yesterday.

Mpofu advised residents to educate children on the danger of using items that are good conductors of electricity or to avoid playing near power lines. Ward 11 Emakhandeni councillor, Pilate Moyo said residents are deeply pained by the death of the juvenile.

“This is very painful; he was not supposed to die in this way, worse I understand he was getting lemons to prepare for his breakfast to go to school. He stays with his parents and his father was away at that time fending for his children,’’ Moyo said.