BY Staff Reporter

TRANSPORT and Infrastructure Development minister Joel Biggie Matiza has suspended the Vehicle Inspection Department (VID) depot manager for Marondera, Munyaradzi Kachere, and two other officers on allegations of corruption.

In a statement yesterday, Matiza said: “As a result, an investigations committee has been set up to carry out investigations on the business processes so as to come out with findings and recommendations.”

Matiza suspended Kachere along with one J Musosi and D Chingwaru.

“At VID Beitbridge, the acting depot manager, K Mutatabikwa, and an officer, T Maphosa, who are alleged to have improperly issued learner’s licences to undeserving applicants have been suspended pending investigations,” he said.

“The ministry has zero tolerance to corruption in line with the new dispensation.”

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There have been reports of massive corruption at VID, with an undercover journalist allegedly getting a learner’s licence without following due process.