By Tatenda Chitagu

MWENEZI district lands officer, Boaz Vurayayi, has been sucked into a farm dispute after he allegedly ordered the owner of Battlefields Safaris to vacate the property and pave way for a local businessman.

On June 18, Vurayayi allegedly teamed up with Leonard Mutema, who has retail shops at Nyika Growth Point in Bikita district, and convened a meeting with Battlefields Safaris owner, Shelton Lucas’ workers and told them that Mutema was the new owner of the property.

He also told the terrified farm workers to wind up their business operations before they were evicted in a fortnight.

Lucas did not attend the meeting.

Mutema owns a neighbouring farm, Valley Farm, which is underutilised.

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One of the farm workers said Vurayayi was in a no-nonsense mood and did not give them a chance to ask questions.

“It was like he was preaching to us. We wanted a chance to ask for the offer letter and why Mutema is taking over and how since he is a neighbour. He said he was implementing a Ministry of Lands decision,” he said.

Contacted for comment, Vurayayi denied ever setting foot at Battlefields Safaris, though there is video evidence.

“That is not true, not at all. The truth is Battlefields Safaris is there and its people, for the good of our nation,” he said, before hanging up the phone.

Mutema distanced himself from the issue.

“I know nothing about it, talk to the Lands officials. I never went to Battlefields Safaris; don’t involve me in that issue. I have Valley Farm which I got under land reform, people are lying,” he said.

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