Government has threatened to descend on transport operators without litter bins in their vehicles in a bid to curb environmental pollution.

Speaking at the joint commemorations of Africa Environment Day in Murewa last week, Berna Muzengeza, who read a speech on behalf of Lands and Rural Settlement minister Herbert Murerwa said throwing litter everywhere should be avoided as it was detrimental to people’s health.

“The public transport operators must place bins in their conveyances, “she said.

“Gone are the days when we used to see notices on buses written ‘throw litter out’.

“The question now is why outside and whose outside,” she said.

“Africa is one of the continents that experiences lots of effects related to climate change and these lead to the disruptions of the ecosystem,” she said.

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The Environment Management Act states that if one is caught throwing litter in a public place it is an offence with a maximum penalty of Level 3 amounting to $20.

This year’s theme advocates for responsibility and accountability in the disposal of waste generated from both domestic and industrial processes.

Murerwa said shop owners should place bins that are adequate to cater for the waste generated from their shops.

“Let it be part of you that after eating your biscuits or bananas you should hold on to your litter till you reach a nearby bin,” said Murerwa. The minister also encouraged city councils to participate in environment management.

“City councils must play their part in collecting bins regularly and let cleanliness be part of our life as the saying goes, cleanliness is near to Godliness.”