Why headaches strike

Anyone who has experienced the pain of a headache knows the importance of seeking relief.

Prescriptions, over-the-counter products and even invasive medical procedures promise to fix the small nuclear explosion inside your head.

Types of headaches

There are various types of headaches, it is important to understand which kind you have in order to best improve your symptoms. Headaches can be classified as tension, cluster and migraine. Tension headaches are the most common.

Tension headaches generally occur at times of stress or most commonly at certain times of the day. They are commonly described as “tight band around the head”. Very few health professionals describe to you why the “band” feeling exists.

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A headache is not a “head problem”; it is a nerve problem that goes to your head. Where do these nerves come from? Your neck and upper shoulder regions of your spine. The “band” feeling is along the nerve distribution. If you are feeling pain; it’s a nerve problem, not a lack of medication.

Cluster headaches are often called the “alarm clock headache” because they commonly awaken you in the middle of the night.

The symptoms include intense pain in or around the eye and on one side of your head. It is very common to experience this cluster style headache with nutritional deficiencies and toxicity disorders.

Migraine headaches normally cause moderate to severe throbbing on one side of the head and can have such accompanying symptoms as nausea, vomiting, vision changes and light sensitivity.

One of the first things to consider when any type of headache develops is that you are dehydrated. “Mild dehydration can lead to headaches,” according to the neuroscience researchers.

Dilated blood vessels cause pressure on the brain, an autonomic nervous system response that occurs when there is lack of hydration in the body.

What is your doctor not telling you? What causes the blood vessels to dilate and constrict? The nerves in the upper neck and shoulder region control blood vessel regulation. It has been common practice to call migraine headaches a “vascular” problem, but is it?

A vascular problem such as high blood pressure is also commonly a nerve condition, not a vascular one. How does blood pressure medication work?

Medications alter the neurological input that directly affects the blood vessels.

Herbal remedies

Health and wellness leaders often encourage the use of herbs such as brigham, burdock root, fenugreek, feverfew, goldenseal, lavender, marshmallow, mint, rosemary, skullcap and thyme to help relieve headache symptoms. Herbs should only be used with the advice of a healthcare professional or a herbalist who understands proper dosages and potential side effects.


Exercise has been deemed one of the best ways to improve how your body can handle stress. Engaging in an exercise programme will improve neurology, circulation and reduce the damaging effects of stress. Exercise will help balance hormones, encourage weight loss and aid in detoxification.

These positive side effects will reduce the occurrence of headaches.

Chiropractic treatment

We have seen a large influx of patients that have seen a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment has not been mainstream and historically scrutinised within the medical community.

The purpose of mentioning this form of treatment is that it is neurology-based. Upon further research, chiropractic treatment is very effective at improving and reducing headache severity.


You should seek medical attention if you experience a sudden and severe headache or one accompanied by a fever, stiff neck, or uncontrollable vomiting.

If you experience numbness, tingling, changes in vision and motor functions, seek medical advice immediately. You may be experiencing a serious medical condition.

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