Zanu PF activists and war veterans have reportedly embarked on a renewed farm invasion spree in Masvingo and Mashonaland Central provinces disrupting operations at the few remaining white-owned farms.

The invasions have prompted the Commercial Farmers Union (CFU) to warn of a disastrous summer cropping season this year.

At the weekend Chief Chiweshe of Mashonaland Central invaded Heyshott Farm in Mazowe owned by John Sole before he was evicted by the police on Sunday evening.

Sole is one of the few remaining white farmers in the province.

An army officer, Eric Matotova, reportedly claiming to have support from senior officers in the army including Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander, General Constantine Chiwenga, reportedly used force to move into Ndire Farm.

Matotova has reportedly defied a High Court order to leave the farm.

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It is alleged the Advocate General of the Zimbabwe National Army, Charles Tarumbwa, wrote a letter to the provincial lands committee urging Matotova to ignore the order.

The soldier is believed to own a farm which he has reportedly given to his nephew.

Contacted for comment, Matotova said: There is no problem at all. We are continuing with our farming and I dont know what you are talking about. I dont even know that.

CFU president Charles Taffs warned the invasions were likely to continue as long as there was no finality to the land reform programme.

As long as the government owns all the land, we are likely to see a lot of invasions and will continue to have a crop deficit and I tell you this will stand as one of the worst years ever because of these invasions, he said.

Thats why year in year out, we are in a crop deficit.

Another CFU official said those spearheading the invasions were driven by greed and were not interested in farming.

We have witnessed four or five cases dotted around the country, the official said.

Its things of the political appointees and an example is the Chiredzi Conservancy where the habitat and food for elephants has been destroyed.

Elephants have been killed not out of hunger, but for ivory. Four or five carcasses have been found in the area. Thats a continuation of a looting exercise that started a long time ago.

Mashonaland Central governor Martin Dinha disowned the land invaders, saying: We will investigate all reports and take corrective measures.