Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe has been nominated for the African Achievers’ Award.

The award is in honour of successful and confident Africans who unselfishly invest their time and talents towards building a stronger community.

Nobel Peace laureate and former Cape Town Archbishop, Desmond Tutu was the first recipient of the award.

The awards are given by CAASS UK, a Birmingham-based children and vulnerable adults charity group. In a citation announcing the nomination, the organisers said Khupe had been nominated “for service to democracy and women empowerment”.

The organisers said in her capacity as the Goodwill Ambassador for the Campaign on the Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality, Khupe advocated for the removal of user fees for pregnant women.

Last year, Khupe went public about her breast cancer condition thereby creating much awareness on the various cancers that affect women.

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