Makoni North Constituency MP Elton Mangoma MDC-T

Overview of the constituency This is one of the biggest constituencies in Makoni District with eight wards (Ward 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 35 and 36). A recent visit by NewsDay to the constituency revealed that generally people travel long distances to access health and education services.

Children also walk long distances to their nearest schools. Satellite schools constructed by the government have limited resources and the MP has reportedly tried to equip those schools with resources.

Some schools such as Kufa Primary School have old classroom blocks.

What people said about their MP Joseph Musedza a top business man at (Nyamazira Business Centre Ward 2) Mangoma was fair in distributing the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) although I was not part of the committee.

Schools were fairly developed and as we can see services are available even for those who want to start their small-scale businesses because we now have electricity in some areas of the constituency.

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Nurses at Chiendambuya Clinic (Ward 5) One of the problems the constituency has is that there is no mortuary. People are forced to go as far as Rusape for coldrooms.

Mangoma facilitated the construction of a mortuary at Chiendambuya clinic and it was one of the major developments he facilitated although there is need for another doctors house at the clinic. Raramai Usata (SDC committee member at Guvakuva Secondary School, Ward 9)

As a retired teacher I can say the effort by the MP in trying to resuscitate the education sector in the constituency is good.

Our children are now able to go to night studies because of the electrification project at some schools within the constituency.

Schools like Tsikada are now looking good and although Mangoma is a busy person, he always delegates officials to address different issues in the constituency.

Magret Mugura (Ward 36) I dont know him very much, but he has tried to do a lot in the constituency.

My problem is that he has not come to introduce the CDF committees to the people. They just do their things on their own. MPs must first come and let the people know what they are doing and give us breakdowns of the amounts used.

MPs response I have spent more than what I was allocated from the CDF in developing the constituency, which was one of the most underdeveloped. In Ward 1 we have done developments at Chikore Clinic.

We also constructed two classroom blocks at Nyagadzi, then we funded parents who had started building teachers houses at the same school and electrified Chikore Primary and Secondary schools as well as the clinic.

In Ward 2 we refurbished and electrified Nyamazira Clinic and then we called Zinwa to repair water tanks at the business centre.

In Ward 3 we constructed a bridge at a river near Mugoti School and at the school we donated library books and an A level block. At Dewerwi we constructed two classroom blocks and teachers houses.

At Dehwe we are completing a classroom block which had already started but was incomplete. In Ward 4, we furnished Maruma Primary and constructed two classroom blocks.

In Ward 3, there is now a big mortuary at Chiendambuya and at Weya clinics respectively. We constructed houses at Weya Clinic and two classroom blocks at Magura School.

In Ward 9 we refurbished a classroom at Tsikada Secondary and Guvakuva, then electrified it and constructed three classroom blocks at Chinchaga.

In Ward 35 they formed their own committee and agreed that we had to rebuild Nyahondo Secondary and a teachers house at Mutiwegore. At Mayo the council has not yet given us a site to put up a mothers shelter.

In Ward 36 at Kufa Primary and Secondary schools, we are going to refurbish the building. Roads are being repaired.

All these projects have cost an amount exceeding what I was allocated from CDF.