ZANU PF Manicaland provincial women’s league boss Happiness Nyakuedzwa is reportedly in the eye of the storm for harassing the party’s Makoni District Coordination Committee secretary for health Tariro Faith Mhondiwa eyeing a women’s quota position in the 2023 elections.

Nyakuedzwa has been accusing Mhondiwa of dating her husband Albert Nyakuedzwa, a Zanu PF Manicaland political commissar Albert Nyakuedzwa.

Albert was reportedly forced to seek a peace order against Mhondiwa in February this year by his wife.

There is a peace order against Mhondiwa at the Rusape magistrate court in possession of this publication.

“Happiness threatened to beat Mhondiwa at crocodile hotel in Rusape recently where they were having lunch after attending a District Coordination Committee meeting at 602 halls in Rusape,” said a source.

Mhondiwa led Albert’s campaign last year when the latter wanted the post of provincial chairmanship’s position eventually won by Mike Madiro.

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Contacted for comment yesterday Mhondiwa confirmed the harassment.

“Yes l can confirm the harassment and this has been going on for a long-time but l am concerned about running the party business and carrying my duties on the issue of women’s quota.

“This is not the first time. l have nothing against her and she doesn’t have any right whatsoever. I am a law-abiding citizen who doesn’t have a criminal record. If she has issues with me she should be mature enough to approach the police and the courts so that l respond to whatever she has against me,” Mhondiwa said.

Contacted for comment yesterday Happiness disputed the allegations

“l don’t know about the incident and l don’t speak to her. If she told you that she is lying and l am a busy woman. l think people just want to see me in the media. l have nothing against her but l am only concerned with running the party's business,” she said. 

Nyakuedzwa’s behaviour comes at a time newly appointed acting  Zanu PF Manicaland chairman Tawanda Mukodza has united the province.