GWANDA — A neighbourhood watch committee (NWC) member based in West Nicholson was on Monday fined $400 for lying against a police officer who arrested him for an assault case. REPORT BY SILAS NKALA STAFF REPORTER

Hemson Moyo (33) denied the charge when he appeared before Gwanda magistrate Jimmy Ntonga.

The magistrate, however, convicted and fined him $400 or six months in jail.

It was the State case that sometime early this year, Moyo was arrested and fined for an assault case whose details were not given in court.

He was suspended from the NWC following the incident.

The court heard that after he was arrested, Moyo made a false police report claiming the officer

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who arrested him was illegally dealing in fuel. It was later discovered that he had lied, which led to his arrest.

Jefta Nyikadzinashe prosecuted.