AS preparations for a three-day music festival to be held next weekend in Mutare gather momentum, the Zimbabwe Amalgamated Housing Association (Zaha) has partnered Chipaz Promotions to make one of the events free to the public.

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People will be able to watch a soccer match between musicians and soccer legends at Sakubva Stadium for free during the second of day of the festival.

Speaking to NewsDay, Zaha director Killer Zivhu said the organisation decided to launch its housing association on the same day and musicians will first entertain fans before they take to the pitch.

“We have decided to launch our housing association on the day of the social soccer match and musicians will first entertain people before they get to play football,” said Zivhu.

He said Zaha would continue working with different musicians in future when launching their schemes.

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Recently the organisation invited Tryson Chimbetu, Nicholas Zakaria and Matheus Mhere at Mushayavanhu Business Centre in Gutu where they donated a three-roomed house to an 81-year-old widow.

Patson Chimbodza of Chipaz Promotions said he was happy with his partnership with Zaha that would give music lovers in Mutare a lifetime opportunity to watch the musicians on stage and on the soccer field.

“Our first social soccer match featuring musicians and soccer legends in Harare was for free and we are happy that as we take it to Mutare it will again be for free with the help of Zaha” said Chimbodza.

Before the match, fans will be treated to a music festival that will see sungura ace Alick Macheso, Leonard Zhakata, Hosiah Chipanga, Sulumani Chimbetu and Peter Moyo clashing on May 17 at Pick ‘n’ Save.

On May 18, Jah Prayzah will perform alongside Freeman, Jusa Mupositori, Sniper, Winky Dee and Guspy Warrior.

The last day will present a family show that will see Blessing Shumba, Matheus Mhere, Charles Charamba and Agatha Murudzwa performing.

Pick ‘n’ Save owner Esau Mupfumi said they are happy to host the festival for the first time.

“All has been set for the festivities and we are happy to be hosting the big event,” said Mupfumi.