Title: Fountain of Inspiration (Vol. 2) Author: Rabison Shumba Publisher: Greatness Factory Publications (2012) ISBN:978-1-105-87019-4 Reviewed by Phillip Chidavaenzi Rabison Shumba is an established life coach, motivational speaker, business consultant and entrepreneur. His latest literary offering, Fountain of Inspiration Vol. 2: Incredible Power Statements, contains wisdom drawn from a diverse range of life experiences.

This book is a collection of 910 inspirational statements covering different life areas – personal success, purpose, character and attitude, life management, professional development, wisdom for life, relationships, leadership and spirituality, among others.

What I found striking is the level and calibre of endorsement accompanying this book, something that I have come to associate with Shumba. The people who have thrown their work behind this book of inspiration include Dr Mike Murdock, founder of the Wisdom Centre in the US, Dr Charles Mugaviri, chief executive officer of the Lasof Leadership Institute in Harare, South African based speaker, author and life coach Tumi Frazier and US-based occupational therapist Kimberly Foe.

The book is broken into 12 different chapters that address a broad range of life issues. The book is a must have for any seeker of wisdom. The knowledge accrued here will come in handy for any person who desires to make it in life.

Shumba trained as a computer science teacher at Belvedere Teacher’s College. He is a well-travelled full-time life coach, having been to the United States of America, United Kingdom, Zambia, Swaziland, Botswana, and South Africa on speaking missions. The wide range of experience shows strongly in his book.

On the local scene, he has spoken at corporate functions, youth organisations and churches and runs blogspot for his inspirational and motivational talk. He has also used social media sites available to fulfill his mission.

Keep Reading

Apart from the two books he has already published and the one he expects to publish in February, Shumba has also co-authored the book — 101 Great Ways To Enhance your Career — with 100 other international authors.