NewsDay gives you MDC-T activist Rebecca Mafikeni’s funeral in pictures. Mafikeni died while in custody on Monday following her arrest two years ago over the alleged murder of Police Inspector Petros Mutedza.

Mourners at Rebecca Mafikeni’s funeral. All pictures: Hardlife Samuwi
Mourners dances at the head of Mafikeni’s casket.
Mourners at Mafikeni’s funeral.
Mourners at Mafikeni’s funeral.
MDC the national chairman Lovemore Moyo arrives at Mafikeni’s funeral.
A friend of the Mafikeni family cries giving her eulogy.
Part of the mourners at Mafikeni’s funeral.
Part of the mourners at Mafikeni’s funeral.
MDC Youth leader Solomon Madzore, who spent two years in remand prison facing the same allegations as Mafikeni, warned that “our calmness should not be viewed as passivity”.
Family and friends march to Warren Hills cemetary carrying Mafikeni’s casket to bid her farewell.