“I am coming out of a Press Conference at Harvest House where I was announcing how the movement is forging ahead to create a home for all like-minded democratic forces,”

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai said as he announced on Tuesday afternoon that his party’s leadership had extinguished the fierce factional fights that had turned publicly confrontational.

Tsvangirai with Biti at the press conference. Credit. Morgan Tsvangirai Facebook Page

The party’s secretary general Tendai Biti -who was among those believed to be orchestrating the ouster of Tsvangirai from the party’s helm- was present at the press briefing.

“After that frank heart-to heart session, we all unanimously agreed that our disagreements in the cockpit, while confirming our credentials as a democratic party, had needlessly diverted attention from the key issues affecting the people of Zimbabwe,” said Tsvangirai.

The factional fights took a nasty turn after deputy treasurer Elton Mangoma wrote a letter to Tsvangirai, urging him to step down following the party’s loss in last year’s harmonised elections.

Mangoma was subsequently suspended by the party’s national executive council.

Explaining Mangoma’s absence from the presser, Tsvangirai said:

“Mangoma is not here because the national council, the party’s supreme decision-making body outside Congress, has suspended him pending his appearance before an independent disciplinary tribunal. He is still very much one of us and he is innocent until proven guilty.”

More details to follow

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Tapiwa Zivira Online Reporter.