Police last Tuesday evicted over 900 families in Manzou village, Mazowe. The villagers alleged they were being evicted to pave way for the setting up of a game park by the First Family.

The villagers were dumped in the open along Mvurwi Road without being allocated land to build homes. They have now been forced to camp at the gazebo at Lazy 7 Farm.

Listen to some of the evicted villagers speak here:

Below are pictures that were taken by AMH chief photographer Aaron Ufumeli at the scene on Monday, March 24.

Chido Mususa arranges dishes on a tray at the same time drying the few of the tobacco crop she was left with after she was forced from her home at Manzou Village last week.
A child plays with a broken fridge at at Lazy 7 Farm,a white-owned farm which is 30 kilometres from Concession.
Mubaiwa Chingwaru with his belongings.
Some families are sleeping in this shack.
What is left of their harvest.
Rabion Gumbatu (L) and Mubaiwa Chingwaru were forced to harvest their maize crop early.
Women sort through what has remained of their tobacco crop.