In a bid to lure more clients, some prostitutes have revealed that they seek heavenly intervention.


A number of commercial sex workers who spoke to NewsDay confessed that they frequently visit prophets so that they can entice many customers.

One commercial sex worker who identifies herself as Tasha in the trade said that they frequently visit prophets to ask for God’s favour in their daily business.

“My sister, we go to prophets, especially kumasowe so that we can ask for God’s favour while conducting our business,” Tasha said “We visit prophets to make things flow smoothly. After going through the healing sessions, you get to lure many clients” said Janet, another sex worker.

One of the sex workers revealed that if they came across a true prophet like the one they said stays in Waterfalls, Harare, things would start to work out for them.

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Another sex worker, who identified herself as Tatenda, said that their job was one of chance and executing it without the protection of God would plunge one into grief.

She said in the absence of God’s protection, they faced problems such as harassments or assaults by clients.

“Being a prostitute is not an easy job and it’s a dangerous one since during the process you might find an abusive client one who might even assault you.

“Also, the police will be after us, hence to overcome all these problems, we need the intervention and protection of God,” Tatenda said cheerfully.

NewsDay caught up with one Madzibaba Jeremiah at his shrine in Kuwadzana Extension and he admitted that some prostitutes visited them so that they found favour in God.

“It is true that prostitutes come to the shrine, but we just serve them like any other people who come here seeking heavenly intervention.

“Tinongovapawo miteuro like everyone else. Who are we to judge them? Who knows, maybe their sins are better than ours?” Madzibaba Jeremiah said with a chuckle.

Some sex workers who have been in the trade for a long time revealed that back in the days, some of them used to  visit  traditional healers to “lubricate” their operations, but because of the upshot of the traditional healers concoction, most of them [sex workers] now prefer the holy spirit which does not  have side-effects.

“I used to visit the traditional healers, but because some of the medicine that they give you tends to have side effects, l started visiting prophets. But some of the commercial sex workers are still visiting traditional healers,” another sex worker, Beverly, said.

“I have been in this business for the past 15 years and to be honest, since I am not growing any younger, clients prefer the younger girls who seem to be joining the trade each and every day. So to move with time, l visit the prophets. At one time, l visited (Prophet Emmanuel) Makandiwa only to try my luck.”