A 33-YEAR-OLD Harare man yesterday appeared at the Civil Magistrates’ Court after his mother claimed he was in the tendency of harassing and insulting her through songs that remind her of her imminent death.


The man, Passmore Gweshe, was dragged to court by his mother Linnet Gweshe seeking a protection order which was granted by magistrate Barbra Mateko who ordered the former to leave his parent’s house.

In her claim, the mother told the court she needed to be protected from her son’s threats and assaults, further saying he had no respect for her and his father.

Linnet told the court whenever Passmore would have a request or complaint to make to his parents, he did it violently and usually sang provocative songs implying his parents were living a comfortable life while he was suffering.

In his response, Gweshe told the court his behaviour was a manifestation of bitterness towards his mother who had evicted his girlfriend from their house.

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“I respect my mother, but the problem with her is that she does not want me to be involved in any relationships with girls,” Passmore said.

In her ruling, Mateko urged Passmore to find himself a job and alternative accommodation.

“If you want to do what you want, find your own place and then you can bring your girlfriend there,” Mateko said.

Gweshe told the court he was currently acquiring property to enable himself to move away from his parents’ house and stay with his girlfriend without restriction.