These are two Instagram functions that are currently trending, and we could not finish this post without mentioning them so that you also consider them in your marketing strategy on Instagram.

The potential of Instagram Shopping

With this feature, stores can add price tags to their products. So when users see a photo with a “tap to see product” label, it means they can press a button to get the price of the product. If the user is interested, they will click on it and then a blue “buy” button will appear. For Instagram Shopping to be effective, you must process the images carefully; These must be of the highest quality and must show a perfect angle to show the true condition of the product. Only then can the user click and make a purchase.

Video marketing on IGTV

Video is a format that helps web positioning and users like it a lot. That’s why Instagram launched its new feature, IGTV, to make their video marketing strategy easier for businesses. In stories you can only upload videos of up to 15 seconds (and 60 seconds for videos in the feed). Now with Instagram TV you can create videos of between 15 seconds and 10 minutes, and even verified accounts can create videos of up to 1 hour. Although we recommend that you create videos of between 2 and 5 minutes so as not to bore the user. IGTV has been getting really big in the last few months. You can buy Instagram views and get more attention from the organic algorithm. 

Define the Buyer Person of the business

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Believing that you have to target an unlimited audience to have greater brand exposure is a mistake. For example, if we had a ski business, it would not make sense to direct our efforts to the Caribbean public because the percentage of sales would be close to zero. Makes sense, don’t you think? That is why the Buyer Person of the project must be defined, since the more segmented the business audience is, the more loyal customers will be obtained. And it is that the success of a brand does not depend on the number of consumers, but on customer loyalty and how willing they are to recommend. To create the ideal customer profile, demographic factors as diverse as gender, age, location, purchasing power or hobbies must be taken into account, highly relevant data that reveals how the offer can be adjusted to this type of audience. When collecting this data on the Buyer Persona, the following questions should be asked: What problems does the potential customer have? What does he value? What are his challenges? How can he be helped? Does it add value?

Establish the differential value of the proposal

You have to wonder why a customer would want to hire our services or buy our products instead of the competition. Sometimes the reason they stay with us is not for a tangible reason such as a price, a promotion. Customers can be won by offering intangible benefits that are not immediately or consciously perceived. Just by generating a unique shopping experience you can build customer loyalty or make products connect with their emotions.

And it is that in such cases both loyalty and customer contact are much stronger and more valuable than those who prefer to buy for a tangible reason. Therefore, it is important to generate a differential value proposition from an emotional point of view. Undoubtedly, touching customer emotions can be a lot more complicated, but in the long run it will mean a great competitive advantage and preference in the market over the competitors.