GOVERNMENT has angrily reacted to campaign billboards mounted by self-exiled former minister Saviour Kasukuwere’s campaign team, and has ordered  advertising companies to seek approval first before erecting them.

This comes after Kasukuwere’s campaign team mounted a huge billboard along Robert Mugabe Road and another along Simon Mazorodze Road in Harare.

Kasukuwere is one of the 11 candidates in the August 23 presidential race, and is likely to draw most of his support from Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu PF party to the advantage of the opposition.

A letter sent to advertising companies by the Office of The Provincial Road Engineer says advertisers have to be given greenlight before placing highway billboards.

“Please be informed that all content to be advertised on billboards on State highways in Mashonaland Central now requires prior approval from the office of the Provincial Road Engineer,” the letter  dated July 18, 2023 read in part.

“Therefore, each company seeking to put up new content on their billboards should take due diligence to notify this respective office before installation, clearly specifying the nature of the content.”

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Previously poll candidates did not seek permission to put up campaign posters on national highways. In response, Kasukuwere said this was a clear indication that the ruling party was running scared.

“Allow us to campaign! These fellas are scared, pound for pound! August 23! Chachaya,” Kasukuwere posted on Twitter.

The former Zanu PF political commissar is facing impediments in his push to contest for the biggest office on the land.

He is currently campaigning from South Africa after government said he would be arrested upon arrival in the country to faceoutstanding criminal charges.

His candidacy was challenged at the courts by Zanu PF activist Lovedale Mangwana.

The High Court ruled in favour of Mangwana, but Kasukuwere filed a Supreme Court appeal. The case will be heard today.