THE American dream is fading. Sooner, the rest of the world would stop fantasising about the United States. It used to be a model of democracy.

The ongoing Select Committee investigation into the January 6 Capitol riot have so far exposed shocking revelations.

The US should stop this level of lawlessness. In fact, it is fast becoming a tyrannical banana republic.

The Capitol riot was a brazen attempt to overthrow the government.

The whole world is watching if former President Donald Trump will be charged.

The catastrophe will be high if the US decides not to charge him.

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Prosecuting an ex-President is usually referred as politically-motivated, and on the other hand failure to prosecute Trump would prove that it is not only in Africa where ex-presidents are not prosecuted for crimes committed while in office.

The US would have plunged into a constitutional crisis had Mike Pence, Trump’s deputy, succumbed to his boss pressure.

It was Trump’s attempts to stop Joe Biden’s confirmation as future president and that is treasonous. Africa is waiting to see the criminal indictment of Trump.- Alexio Rashirai

Another term for ED will be disastrous THE Zanu PF government is failing to put its house in order. The house is on fire.

The economy has been collapsing under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s nose.

The recently announced 100% pay rise offered to civil servants is just a pie in the sky.

The revolutionary party is running in sixes and sevens trying to bring back the economy to its feet.

It’s high time people call a spade a spade and certify this government very sick or dead.

As we draw closer to harmonised elections in 2023, it looks like there is nothing new coming from Mnangagwa’s government.

Civil servants are the most poorly paid.

The five years which Mnangagwa has been President have proved to be a mammoth task for him and allowing him to run for another term would be so disastrous.

Mnangagwa has failed to whip his errant corrupt government officials into line and has also failed to address bread and butter issues.

The economy is just growing on paper, but on the ground, there is nothing to write home about.

Zimbabwe is not short of potential leaders who can take this country out of this mess.

We have plenty of leaders who are ready to serve this nation with distinction.

Health workers have now downed their tools. It would seem it never rains but pours for Mnangagwa’s government.

Things are falling apart. The economy is shrinking and in shambles.

The law has been weaponised to silence dissenting voices.

Opposition political activists cannot breathe.- Leonard Koni

Promoting adoption of Yoga strategic in prevention

IN recognition of the importance of individuals and populations making healthier choices and following lifestyle patterns that foster good health, the UN General Assembly designated June 21 as International Day of Yoga.

Yoga has gained universal appeal and it is trending as a practice by millions the world over in their quest to achieve healthy lifestyles.

The UN in Zimbabwe in response to the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has recognised that wider dissemination of information about the benefits of practising yoga would be beneficial for the health of Zimbabweans.

On a general note, in Zimbabwe, NCDs account for 31% of morbidity according to findings of the World Health Organisation.

The high burden of NCDs is attributed to a change in population lifestyles which include physical inactivity because of the changing nature of work; alcohol, smoking and substance abuse particularly among the youth; traffic accidents; and pollution.

Health is wealth and prevention are of primary importance as it is undoubtedly more logical and cost effective to prevent disease than to deal with once it has occurred.

In addition to various ongoing interventions to improve the health system in Zimbabwe, promoting the adoption of Yoga as a lifestyle for health and wellbeing is a strategic investment particularly in the prevention of NCDs.

As we mark the International Day of Yoga in Zimbabwe, it is worth noting that the country has committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 goals, particularly SDG3 — which aims to achieve quality health for all.

The UN remains committed to support national efforts to deliver quality and universal health coverage for all Zimbabweans.

Happy Yoga Day. –Edward Kallon, UN resident and humanitarian co-ordinator in Zimbabwe