THE successes of the government’s socio-economic interventions are not supposed to be spoken about.

They must be experienced by the ordinary people in their respective communities.

When there is increased production of washing soap, the price of the product should go down in line with the law of demand and supply.

When the road network is being improved, we should begin to see the cost of travelling going down as transport operators begin to experience a boom in their business.

When more companies are re-opening and employment opportunities are increasing, we should be seeing our youths and unemployed friends at least talking about one or two of them having found a job.

If the trend continues, we must have more of the youths disappearing from the streets and being absorbed by industry. The government does not need to talk about the good in its programmes. Citizens must just experience it.

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Amartya Sen spoke of well-being, the state of being and being able to achieve what one ought to achieve, having the choice to choose from multiple options available to pursue. It is this freedom to choose that we need in our society.

Precious Shumba