INDICES at the Zimbabwe Stock exchange registered marginal increases during the month of April, with the market capitalisation moving higher for the first time since the beginning of the year.


The industrial index closed the month at 105,79 points up from 97,61 points during the month of March.

The industrial index opened the year at 103,04 points declining to 99,50 points in February.

The mining index closed the month of April on 20,61 points. It began the year at 19,53, declining to 19,14 point in February before ascending to 19,53 points in March.

The market capitalisation stood at $2,86 billion which is the highest figure so far since the beginning of the year.

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The local bourse took off at $2,79 billion in January, $2,69 billion in February and $2,64 billion in March.

The economy has been experiencing difficulties due to deflationary pressures, liquidity challenges, and low activity on the local bourse.

Many foreign investors have been moving from the local bourse due to the low activity at the market.

Between January 2015 and January 2016 $1,5 billion was lost on the ZSE market capitalisation which means shareholder value has deteriorated during the year under review.

Market capitalisation for the month ended January stood at $2,79 billion this year compared to $4,35 billion in January 2015.