Africa has the youngest population in the world and this could be a huge asset, an opportunity to mobilise reservoirs of human capacity towards the economic revival if the continent and African leaders listen to the concerns of the young people and not to rubber stamp policies on them. By Leonard Koni,Our Reader

They are the largest voting population, but when it comes to participation in the day-to-day running of the politics, they are told that it’s not their opportunity because they are still very young and that their turn to be leaders will be tomorrow, not today.

They are told they are the backbone of the country, but I disagree with such kind of thinking. When are our young people going to be the flesh of the country?

Youths must be given a chance to shape their own destiny. The recent repatriation of young women who had gone for menial jobs in Kuwait was a clear sign of poor youth policies deliberately being implemented by our government ignoring the plight of young people in society. The migration of young people to foreign countries has been so endemic for years.

The young people are finding it difficult to secure jobs and access business funds to start incoming-generating projects. Young people are leaving the country in search of greener pastures.

The problem lies within our African leaders who are very corrupt and always plunder resources to benefit themselves and forget that there are young people who want to survive.

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Through unity and bravery, the youths can surely change this country. Zimbabwe needs a vibrant and energetic youth which is ready to build a strong country and strong institutions.