TWO issues became major talking points last month; poison, after Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa fell ill at a Zanu PF youth interface rally in Gwanda, Matabeleland South; witchcraft, after President Robert Mugabe said Zanu PF had neither witches nor wizards.


My little knowledge tells me that we have witches in the country. There is poison in the country. The ills, desperation, level of suffering clearly display this country is bewitched.

While the victims of economic witchcraft and poisoning spend days in bank queues, starve, despair, suffer, the witches are enjoying getting everything they want.

It is the witches’ poison which is causing the economic meltdown and driving despondency and the violation of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

In short the witches are the parasites responsible for tearing our democratic fabric. The witches must repent. They are finishing off generations.

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Beware of witches. Vote opposition. Political and governmental witchcraft is real. It exists. Stop it. Come the 2018 votes, send them packing by voting wisely.