Our citizen journalists sent us pictures depicting the effects of the recent rains and the poor drainage system to the country’s roads.

Pumula Bridge near Danga Business Centre in Mberengwa. Picture: Anonymous
Flooded Nyaure River along the old Harare-Bindura Road. Picture: Anonymous
Samora Machel Avenue in Harare after the rains. Picture: Anonymous
A commuter omnibus passes through a flooded road in Chiredzi. Picture: Patrick Chitongo


A Toyota SUV lies on its side after being involved in accident at the corner of Airport and Cripps Road in Harare. Picture: Anonymous
This is the water that we are getting out of our taps in Nyameni suburb, Marondera. Picture: Anonymous

Do you have a picture, story, audio or video that you think will make an impact in your community? We want to give you a voice on our websites.

The Whatsapp number is +263 773 245 709. We would like to publish your photo, your audio and video. We already have overwhelming citizen journalism coming our way and we are loving it.

Every month a team of selectors will award prizes for the best story, picture, audio and video. And we would like to give you an opportunity to be part of our team.

Your stories and images will be on our websites under the section AMHVoices.

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Remember to send us your name and location.