President Robert Mugabe’s latest “gaffe” at the opening of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament on Tuesday of reading exactly same speech he read during his State of the Nation address three weeks ago without realising his error has proved beyond doubt that he is just too old and too tired and therefore totally incapable of performing the rigorous functions required of a Head of State. He has become a great liability to Zimbabwe and his continued stay in office puts the nation’s survival at great risk.

By Kurauone Chihwayi,MDC Spokesperson 6

And at 91-years-old, we expect no less. Most people his age are either in old people’s homes or resting while telling folktales to their great-grandchildren in rural areas. Zimbabweans can do without him.

If Mugabe still has any shred of dignity left, he will do the honourable thing and resign. Zimbabwe is at a crossroads, requiring an alert, energetic and able President with the capacity and vision to pull it from the woods and lead the nation to progress.

As MDC, we believe the time has come for all Zimbabweans, including people within Zanu PF itself, to acknowledge without fear or favour that Mugabe’s retirement is now not just a strategic necessity, but a must for the well-being of all Zimbabweans. We hope the Senate and National Assembly will act with speed and make use of Section 97 of the national Constitution which says:

(1)The Senate and National Assembly, by a joint resolution passed by at least one half of their total membership, may resolve that the question of whether or not the President or Vice-President should be removed from office for:

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(a) serious misconduct; (b) failure to obey, uphold or defend this constitution; (c) wilful violation of this constitution; or (d) inability to perform the functions of the office because of physical or mental incapacity,” before Mugabe does further harm to our national security.