Former managing director of Daxilon Security and former chief executive of the Grain Marketing Board Pension Fund, Taona Munzvandi has been re-elected Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe (ICSAZ) president.

Munzvandi, a Registered Public Accountant, set up the Grain Marketing Board Pension Fund from scratch in 2001 and was the chief executive until 2019, when he established his own company.

Munzvandi is also an accomplished speaker, facilitator and presenter at pension fund conventions internationally. He is also chairman of Premier Knowledge Consultant Centre – South Africa and a board member of the Zimbabwe Association of Pension Funds.

He had previously worked for Fidelity Life Assurance, the Mining Industry Pension Fund and the Auditor General’s Office.

Commenting after his election Munzvandi said the Institute and its members had a role to play in supporting government initiatives and implementation of the National Development Strategy 1.

“With measures to support stability, economic recovery can be sustained, anchored on currency stability. We have to play our part in supporting government initiatives and implementation of the National Development Strategy, which aims to make Zimbabwe a middle income economy by 2030,” he said.

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Munzvandi further pointed out that the institute was celebrating its golden jubilee this year, having been established in Zimbabwe by an Act of Parliament in 1971, and would be rebranding this year, changing its name to the Chartered Governance and Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe, in line with the rebranding of the global Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, which has changed its name to the Chartered Governance Institute.

Competition and Tariff Commission head of finance and administration Jonathan Dube and entrepreneur Sithembile Ncube were also elected vice-presidents.

Munzvandi holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the University of Zimbabwe and a Bachelor of Computing Science degree from the University of South Africa (Unisa).