Local jazz musician-cum businesswoman Faith Nhapazi, popularly known as Faith Candy is looking forward to expanding her business that will see her incorporate an automobile venture under her growing brand.

Faith Candy, who has carved a niche for herself through her skincare product and lingerie business, told Standard Style on Friday that she was adding the haircare product component while at the same time co-opting the selling of car accessories and spare parts.

“It wasn’t a good year for me on the business side, but I am thinking of expanding to include haircare products on my beauty business portfolio,” she said.

“I am also diversifying to the automobile business. I have plans to open a shop that sells motor car spare parts.”

Despite 2022 not been rosy for the curvy model, Faith Candy has had momentous moments including business trips outside the country.

She also had an opportunity to flaunt her glamorous body by wearing fashionable outfits courtesy of the fashion brand, Style by Minnie, which is owned by Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga’s wife Miniyothabo Baloyi.

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“There were ups and downs through the year, but I had some significant moments,” said Faith Candy.

“Style by Minnie offered me an opportunity to showcase my fashion models abilities and I am enjoying being part of this fashion brand.

“I also had business trips outside the country where I managed to identify some business opportunities, which I hope implementing next year.”