In the outlook, Tanganda said the operating environment was expected to remain complex due to rapid policy changes and escalation of costs.
This initiative is part of its ongoing efforts to tighten monetary policy and curb money supply growth.
Loss of cultural heritage: Traditional food farming systems are often deeply rooted in cultural practices and traditions that have been passed down through generations.
Israel Murefu, former president of the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe, told businessdigest that the foreign currency shortage issue needed to be addressed urgently.
Meanwhile, Ncube disclosed that the import bill increased prices of edible oils and fertilisers.
In the company's 2023 annual report, chief executive officer Richard Clarke highlighted tobacco transportation as a cornerstone of their operations.
I doubt such a CEO has that capacity. Luckily, in the post I shared on social media, I did not put my views. I just summarised the findings.
Business Digest
By Memory Nguwi Jul. 26, 2024
Zimbabwe is expected to see a surge in remittance flows
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John Mushayavanhu said this week in an interview with Reuters: “Confidence can only come with us walking the talk”.
The VFEX All Share Index closed at 102,69 points, showing an increase of 2,69% since its re-basement in January 2024.
The Cell Insurance CEO highlighted that the mining industry was their forte, giving the sector alternative transfer solutions.
From an ESG perspective, seed retention is crucial for small holder African farmers for several reasons:
Some of the reasons that explain valuation gaps include the varying levels of privatisation, multinational presence, and private equity activity.
The investment will bolster the gold cluster's performance, according to Patrick Maseva-Shayawabaya, head of KMH’s gold cluster.
The agreement boosts recovery efforts under six-year reconstruction schemes.
These markets incentivise companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and invest in carbon offsetting projects.
Although originally developed by the military, AAR has proven to be an invaluable tool across various industries for enhancing performance and achieving strategic objectives.
Business Digest
By Memory Nguwi Jul. 19, 2024
Additionally, part of its planned capital expenditure will go towards introducing new drought-resistant seed varieties, a strategic move to mitigate the impact of climate change.
Key contributors to these increases included Delta, Ecocash, Meikles, and Econet.
Many “strategic planning” retreats prioritize action planning, leading to documents filled with tasks and initiatives rather than a clear strategic direction.
Business Digest
By Memory Nguwi Jul. 12, 2024
However, the firm highlighted that the retailer’s low United States dollar sales were leaving it exposed to informal retailers.
The SecZim chief said investors who participate in such platforms are exposed to risks that cannot be covered by conventional means such as the Investor Protection Fund.
The low-quality jobs that are prevalent in the country concurrently reflect high levels of national poverty.
Business Digest
By Kevin Tutani Jul. 12, 2024
Group chief executive officer Samuel Matsekete told businessdigest that the remaining funds will be channeled into various projects, enabling the company to expand its scope. 
While the adoption of ESG principles presents numerous benefits, there are also challenges that companies in Zimbabwe and Sub-Saharan Africa are facing:
Yet, for years, the ability of everyday Zimbabweans to share and celebrate the beauty of their homeland has been limited by geographical barriers and technological constraints.
Business Digest
By Jacob Mutisi Jul. 12, 2024
In Zimbabwe, where the economy has faced significant challenges in recent years, it is more important than ever for organisations to adopt a management
Portfolios that fall on the capital market line (CML), in theory, optimize the risk/return relationship, thereby maximizing performance.
The decrease in volumes, Swan added, emanated from reduced orders from various mining houses due to a reduction in global mineral prices.
However, several months later, local insurers are still awaiting specifics on how this transition will be implemented.
TelOne’s legacy debt left the firm in a net liability position of $177,7 billion (about US$29,1 billion) as of the end of last year, according to the firm’s financial statements.
Despite the challenges faced by funeral assurers, Muradzikwa praised the broader industry for its proactive approach to IFRS 17.
Communities can explore opportunities in waste management by collecting, transporting, disposing, recycling, reusing, and generating energy from waste.
The supply chain is subjected to varying tariffs, trade agreements and varied government regulations across different international markets.
Chinese is not mandatory in Zimbabwe. Enrolling at the Confucius Institute is voluntary - and people pay for the learning -
This ultimately creates a stagnant environment where both employees and managers are held back from reaching their full potential.
Business Digest
By Memory Nguwi Jun. 28, 2024
It is estimated that in 2019 alone, Pokémon Go earned US$1,4 billion while Pokémon Go live events earned US$249 million in tourism revenue.
We can empower ourselves to make a difference by recognising our shared responsibility.
In the quickly changing business environment of today, accountants play a more sophisticated and demanding role.
The industry average FUM for the period stood at ZW$2,51 trillion (US$113,8 million).
This is in addition to 26 000 kilometres of fibre network across the country.
Edgars group chief executive officer Sevious Mushosho told businessdigest in an interview that the company was importing the machines from Germany.
Grand has a balance sheet boasting assets exceeding €200 million (US$214,04 million).
MetalsGrove entered the race to explore Zimbabwe’s lithium in December, and their acquisition announcement sparked a bull run on the ASX.
A major disadvantage of licensing is that it is difficult for the firm providing the technology to ensure quality control in the foreign production process.
This decline in savings has significant implications for the nation's economic growth and development, highlighting the need for urgent policy interventions.
A consultative process with all stakeholders commenced in December 2023 and was concluded in May 2024.
Business Digest
By Julia Ndlela Jun. 21, 2024
This would necessitate staff rationalisation across the EHZL and EWZL businesses.
Business Digest
By Staff Writer Jun. 21, 2024
Recently, the society opened a new branch in Bindura, a strategic move to increase access to affordable financial products. 
KG: Tell us about your US$1 per person programme, which you launched recently?