Correspondent banks provide services to other banks, usually in another country.
We have plans to rehabilitate Hwange Power Station at the moment.
Local News
By Melody Chikono Sep. 2, 2022
Smart City Concept was at the core of its desire to see a transformed urban setting across the nation.
Local News
By Melody Chikono Sep. 2, 2022
Stocks of sulphate, as shown by the startling report, have dwindled to 41 tonnes while the capital requires 2 500 tonnes every month.
Preliminary investigations by this publication show that this could be a tip of the iceberg.
Local News
By Melody Chikono Sep. 9, 2022
A non-performing loan (NPL) is a credit that is in default due to the fact that the borrower has not made the scheduled payments for a specified period.
Meanwhile, the group is also continually seeking opportunities to preserve and grow shareholder value as well as enhance customer experience.
The European country has, however, distanced itself from the jailing of the students.
The group this year indicated it was carrying out plant refurbishments at the Harare plant, in addition to several projects valued at US$4 million.
Northern Cyprus has been “illegally” occupied by Turkey since 1974 and is only recognised by Istanbul the world over as a sovereign state.
The Zimbabwean government enlisted Adesina to help clear its long-standing external debt arrears.
Local News
By Melody Chikono Oct. 14, 2022
Zimbabwe, which is in debt distress with external debt figures varying from US$14 billion to US$19 billion,  has been struggling to get fresh lines of credit from multilateral lenders.
He said companies were able to access funding via the auction market which improved production and product availability.