Embedded deep in our consciousness is the knowledge of life's precious secrets. The key to access them is the ABCs.

All systems are built on fundamental principles. The building blocks of the English language are the ABCs. So if you want to master reading and writing, you have to first learn the alphabet.

Judaism too has its "ABCs" upon which everything is based.

The "A" of Judaism

Here is a premise we can all agree upon:

Human beings are creatures of society.

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If we were born in China, we'd probably be waving little red flags or a book of Mao's favorite sayings. If we were born into a Catholic family in Sicily, we'd probably be waving rosary beads.

Question the origins of your "life philosophy. "Do you essentially have a Greek approach to life? Roman? Eastern? Jewish?

Ask yourself: "If I had been born into a family of Muslim fundamentalists in Iran, what would I be doing with my life today?" If you don't ask this question, chances are quite good that today you'd still be a Muslim fundamentalist!

If we are profoundly influenced by society, how do we discern our primal beliefs and identity?

For the most part, unless we've done our own thorough investigation, "society" has most likely been our "default philosophy."

If we are so profoundly influenced by society, then how do we discern our primal beliefs and identity? How do we distinguish between right and wrong? How do we come to an independent conclusion about reality? How can we avoid being mere products of our society?

The "A" of Judaism answers these questions.

The Power of a Children's Story

Ideas seep into public consciousness in a variety of ways: through literature, schooling, religious practices, etc. One of the most powerful ways is through stories we're told as children. These stories convey many subliminal messages and make a lasting impression.

Anyone born in America has heard of Little Red Riding Hood. What do you think a young child would do if Grandma came to visit right after hearing this tale? He'd run behind his mother's skirt until they checked Grandma's teeth to make sure it's really her!

What's the message of this story? On a deep subconscious level, Little Red Riding Hood teaches children to be suspicious of Grandma. You can never really trust who she claims to be...

A Jewish Consciousness Story

Judaism also has its own stories that shape the consciousness of our children. Here's one from the Talmud:

While we are still in our mother's womb, the Almighty sends an angel to sit beside us and teach us all the wisdom we'll ever need to know about living. Then, just before we are born, the angel taps us under the nose – forming the philtrum, the indentation that everyone has. And we forget everything the angel taught us.

What lesson does this story forever imbue in the psyche of a young child?

Education is reaching what we already intuitively understand.

That we can look inside ourselves to learn about life. Embedded deep in our consciousness is the knowledge about the purpose of creation, how to love, how to reach our potential. It's all there. We just need to make the effort to remember!

This lesson sums up Judaism's view of education. Nobody can teach anyone anything new. Rather, a teacher conveys information in a way that allows the student to get in touch with what he already knows – and re-discover it on his own.

Define your terms and gain clarity

Judaism says if you probe into yourself, you can discover the definition of truth, reality, goodness, etc. All it takes is effort.

Let's illustrate how this works:

"Are you a bafoofstik?"

"What do you mean?! I can't possibly answer that question without a definition of bafoofstik."

But what if I ask you, "Are you in love?" Since you use the term "love" in your everyday life, you have some understanding of what I'm talking about.

So why do so many people end up in relationships that they think are "love" – but turn out to be "infatuation"?

Because they don't have a proper definition of the term "love." And unless you can clearly articulate a concept, you don't fully understand it.

The quest for truth is not a journey to the Far East or a climb to the peak of a mountain.

(By the way, the Jewish definition of love is "the pleasure of identifying people with their virtues.")

When we uncover knowledge that jibes with what the angel taught us, then we've found truth.

Inner knowledge is what allows us to rise above the influences of society and become independent. In the quest for truth, you don't have to journey to the Far East or climb to the peak of a mountain. Truth is right under your nose. Take your finger and place it on that "indentation." You'll stop talking and start thinking. The knowledge of reality is within each of us. This is the "A" of Judaism.

The "B" of Judaism

For a complete understanding of life, we need to know what is demanded of us. What were we created for? What is the meaning of existence?

Let's ask this question: What do all parents want for their children? To be healthy, strong, and full of joy. To be clear, purposeful and accomplished. To have everything good under the sun. Why? So they can get the most pleasure out of life. Only pleasure.

Your son might have a lot of fun playing PacMan, but you won't let him drop out of college to become a professional PacMan player. You know he deserves better.

God looks at us the same way. As our Father in Heaven, He created us to bestow goodness and pleasure upon us. And He gave us the Torah – our instructions for living – in order to teach us how to derive maximum pleasure from this world.

Human Beings are Pleasure-seekers

A pen is made for writing. But what if somebody told you that your pen is a toothpick? You'd say, "That's ridiculous. Why would it have ink in it? And it doesn't fit between my teeth!"

How do you determine the purpose of an object? Examine its construction. You know that a pen is for writing because that's what all its components indicate, and that's what it does best.

Judaism says that human beings were designed to have pleasure. In fact we see that every decision a human being makes is based on one final criteria: Will it give me pleasure?

Even when we do something altruistic, we do it because the act gives us pleasure.

Whether it's what to have for dinner, what to do with spare time, who to marry, or what career to choose – underneath it all, pleasure is the defining criterion. If it looks like pain, we avoid it. If it promises pleasure, we go for it. Even when we do something altruistic, we do so because it gives us pleasure.

God designed the world – and everything in it – in order to give us pleasure. The goal of life is to get that pleasure. Just as parents want their children to enjoy life, so too the Almighty wants His children to enjoy their lives to the fullest.