I am one of many,

Seeds that are scattered.

In this foreign domain I am alien,

I am painstakingly trampled on,

And called mukwerekwere.

Tags they assign,

And with brutality they scatter me further,

Away from my kith and kin.


I am Kenyan,

Born among black brothers,

Of like melanin,

Yet toxic in mind.

They view me with stained lenses,

And see me as an unholy sojourner,

Whom they deem a usurper.

I am no Jacob,

I am but a hunter of fortune,

Among brothers of like melanin.


I died to self,

And learnt to live for others.

Sleep eloped to places unknown,

And I stand guard,

That they may enjoy the sweetness of slumber,

And yet they still view me with scorn.

Under their lenses I am a stain,

A contaminating roach that needs to be fumigated.


The tears that well from my bloodshot eyes,

That are as red as the hills of Rusape,

I still grovel under the shadows,

Of brothers shovels that bury me alive,

To see me gone for good.


On the epitaph of my grave,

They inscribe "here lies the usurper, who died from the bone of greed."

Under the turf of the soils,

Where my footprints will forever remain,

Un-erased like an unappeased wraith,

I shall always linger in the minds of the saints,

Whose pursuit was but righteousness

And on their lips,

My name shall be venerated.


The journey we traversed together,

And in the trenches of employment search,

We always huddled together,

Until that day,

When the yoke that was our burdened was unchained,

And we sighed with relief,

And yet the seed of xenophobia germinated,

And I suddenly became an outcast,

A black leg among black brothers,

And to the grave, they send me early,

In the roller coaster of life's arduous highway to Valhalla.