When Jesus came to the fig tree, and he expected to find fruit, yet the tree had no fruits for him. Was his expectation unrealistic since it was before the season for the tree to produce fruit? How many have been in that place where, after years of investment, you expect fruit from the business but it keeps not producing? Jesus was not looking for what he had not invested in the tree. He knew that as the creator, the tree should be producing, yet it did not. Some, after years of investment, get to a time they have to stop and, like Jesus, command the tree to die. Moving on from an unfruitful investment takes strength, and how do you know whether you're giving up when the tree or business is almost entering its season of being fruitful?

Like the fig tree, Jesus also expects fruits from you, and some say Jesus is expecting too much from me. The reason you may say he is expecting too much from you is because you never paid attention to what he put inside of you. The Bible speaks of a man who, when he was going to a far kingdom, gave his servants talents. To one, he gave five, to another two, and to another one. He knows the talents he has put in you and the potential they have. He wants from the fig tree what he has put in the fig tree.

Like the fig tree, he wants from you what he has put in you. But the problem is you do not know what he has put in you. Have you discovered the talent he gave you or the gift you carry, and are you bearing any  fruit for Him?

Jesus cannot come to the fig tree expecting something he did not put in the fig tree first. So he is expecting fruit because he knows what he has given you. But many do not know that he is the one that gave them the seed which can manifest as a desire. So many never give into these desires, and because of this, never produce what he expects from them.

Many people assume God is unjust. He is  expecting me to produce outside of what he has invested in me. But God is expecting you to produce because he's the one that gave you that seed.

Do you know that these seeds manifest  as desires? Maybe it’s a desire to take care of orphans, maybe to start a business? But it's not just a desire;  but it is a seed. How can you desire to have a million dollars when God has not put in you the capacity to make that million? The seed produces hunger and the hunger produces fruit but many never yield to the desire.

It is not just a desire for business. It is a seed that God put in you, and he is  expecting a harvest from it. His expectation at the end of days is to say, can you give me the business that I put in you as an idea? Can you give me the ministry that I put in you as an idea? Can you give me the children that I put in you as an idea? Many of you have tied God's hands because you don't know that he gave you a seed and is expecting a harvest from it.

God expects fruit from us because He has invested talents within us, manifesting as desires and potentials. Just like the fig tree, He anticipates a harvest from what He has sown. Recognizing and nurturing these seeds within us leads to fulfilling His expectations. We must yield to His plan for us to bear fruit. God Bless You.