This is a case of asking a fox to inquire into the disappearance of chickens.
This places Zimbabwe below the global average internet penetration rate of 63.5%.
Mnangagwa should be concentrating on making sure that he uses the remainder of his term to create a legacy instead of being invested in divisive and ruinous politics.
Standard People
By The Standard Jul. 21, 2024
We will often do whatever we can to make life better for those we love and care for and this gives is meaning beyond ourselves.
A Zacc internal report revealed that the pair spent millions on bling lifestyles, buying top-of-the-range vehicles and other luxuries.
Economically, street vendors play a crucial role in providing essential goods and services to local communities in Zimbabwe.
The shameful levels of pilfering range from undelivered goods to an abysmal failure to account for unvouched expenses that has bled the country’s fiscus.
We have embraced digital marketing to an extent of not realising that simplified presentation still has its space in our narratives. 
Biden (81-years-old) came into the debate looking drugged, walking like a zombie and speaking in a whispery voice that resembled that of Dracula.
The blast killed at least two people and injured dozens more, including the president himself, who sustained minor injuries.
Although many are making comparisons with the big Labour majority of 1997 when Tony Blair swept to power, today is a very different context.
Standard People
By Ian Scoones Jul. 14, 2024
The land seizure had nothing to do with giving the general populace land, but to enrich mandarins close to the scarfed one.
Due to reduced employment and educational prospects, lower wages, and higher living expenses, disabilities may potentially raise the likelihood of poverty.
Standard People
By Zimcodd Jul. 14, 2024
According to its advocates, it evokes a variety of responses, most prominently through substance abuse, which is used as a vehicle for attempting to numb pain.
Educators must also be trained to recognise the signs of struggling students and connect them with the appropriate resources.
Standard People
By Amh Voices Jul. 14, 2024
Since the era of Robert Mugabe’s regime, the OAG has religiously released reports showing leakages in government departments that often point to criminal intent.
Standard People
By The Standard Jul. 14, 2024
The mind-body connection forms the basis of one’s energy, influencing how we interact with our environment, others, and our workplace relationships.
A PQ above 75% is a good start, but still requires optimisation to reach greater heights. By working on our mental fitness, we can unlock our full potential and achieve excellence.
Biden was secluded to a basement, under the pretence that Covid-19 restrictions prevented him from exposing himself to campaign rigours.
Road infrastructure, disruption of road networks due to road works, traffic congestion; commuting delays affect our ability to move around easily and
A Zanu PF faction loyal to Mnangagwa had started a campaign with a slogan insinuating that he would still be in power in 2030.
The constitution is crystal clear about the army being impartial and avoiding being active participants in political parties.
This debate had been motivated by the current drama featuring—you guessed right—Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, Moses Mpofu and Scott Sakupwanya
Sternford was a legal giant that straddled the length and breadth of the legal profession and the business world with confidence and zest.
We must give them reasons why they should not yield to temptation, not tell them that they must not or simply punish them when they do.
Presidential democracy has never existed since time memorial because of long stay in aggrandized, abused and mis-managed power.
Last month our sister paper NewsDay reported that Zanu PF members in Insiza were accused of hijacking the food aid distribution programme in the district.
Zec must be forced to account for the money that it was given by treasury for procurement of materials for last year’s elections.
Standard People
By The Standard Jun. 30, 2024
It is a pity that many people are reluctant to have medical aid cover which has seen only about 10% of the entire population being under medical aid societies.
As I write this missive someone is busy scheming how to outdo Chimombe and Mpofu in looting the scheme. 
To start with, entrepreneurial operations are viewed in various perspectives and meanings by different people/institutions.
Due to reduced employment and educational prospects, lower wages, and higher living expenses, disabilities may potentially raise the likelihood of poverty.
Standard People
By The Standard Jun. 30, 2024
Zecgate is another real-life story where the small cow and the eland feature as the supporting cast.
Of the four boys in his class, left to right, their achievements are listed as follows.
Allen Moyo, a dedicated steel fabricator hailing from Nketa 7 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, exemplifies the fusion of artistry, entrepreneurship, and sustainable livelihoods.
Even though it's not election season, opposition political parties have witnessed an increase in repression and discriminatory treatment by state agents.
The city adopted a mixed-use development approach, particularly evident in the transformation of old textile mills in Lower Parel.
Zimbabwe has been a state party to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Charter), since ratifying the Treaty in 1986.
Standard People
By Admin Jun. 29, 2024
The loss of power by the African National Congress can easily be explained. Brother Owen put it succinctly.
Could this be the real reason for the sudden interest by the usually toothless Zacc to investigate this garrulous ex-convict?  
Religions and related social and cultural structures have played an important part in human history.
The Housing and Development Board (HDB) constructs and sells affordable housing, ensuring widespread homeownership.
Bottling up emotions can lead to physical and mental health challenges and strained relationships. 
Other violations include unlawful detention, theft, displacement and malicious damage to property.
In its response where it denied any relationship with the trio, Zec left us with more questions than answers.
Standard People
By The Standard Jun. 23, 2024
Chivayo has not only evaded justice, but has even managed to expand his business empire, securing new lucrative deals with the government.
Some people were running. Some people were still dancing. No one knew where to go.
All players must be included and involved, appropriately, actively, accurately, for the school to run well under our leadership. No man is an island; all staff play a part, together.
Despite his sponsorship by white capital, the brother found himself torn between two loyalties, being true to his own skin or becoming an Oreo (black skin white soul).
What I want you to do is not focus on what you're going through or what's happening around you but focus on Him. Seek His hand for your life, knowing that Jesus is writing your story today.