The preacher is in South Africa where he is doing God’s work, preaching the Word and meeting fellow countrymen.
Theophilus Masukume, as the MC of the day, kept the audience entertained with his priceless, witty yet captivating hosting skills.
Harare residents are already excited and the response to the event has already been exceptional.
Magic Carpet, a leading Nigerian animation studio, co-produced the show, and actors from Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria and the US voice the characters.
The idea was the brainchild of one of the residents Mirabel Chilongo.
“Having planted 10,000 trees in 2022 I am glad to say that we now have a total of 23,000 trees planted between the Primary and Secondary School.
Christian education is indispensable for all, as exemplified by the Lord’s deep concern for teaching.
Already the 2024 agenda for Women Changing the World has been set and reveals a tireless spirit dedicated to changing the role of women in the new global world.