Popular sing and song writer Nutty O says he was born a creative and his mission is to inspire society to dare to dream.

The award winning Nutty O (NO) told Alpha Media Holdings chairman Trevor Ncube (TN) on the platform In Conversation With Trevor that he always endeavored to create a song that would inspire the next person.

He started the interview by singing his popular hit Handiperi Power.

Below are excerpts from the interview.

TN: Wow, wow, I love that song Nutty-O. Nutty-O, otherwise Carrington Simbarashe Chiwadza, welcome to In Conversation With Trevor.

NO: It is an honour, it is a pleasure to be around, thank you for having me.

TN: I loved you starting us off singing that song Handiperi Power.

What went through your mind as you were putting that song together?

Talk to us about your creative process when it comes to that song?

NO: It is me going through a process, an expressional process.

Trying to express part of the life I have lived this far.

The challenges, the hardships I have faced, the victories incorporated and out of this trying to put them in one, express them musically so that everybody kind of fits in despite you being in whatever specialty that you are in.

It is a song that encompasses everybody because everybody has a story behind them. Everybody has something they need to tell the world from conception to the point where they are at in their lives now; so, the song was me kind of articulating my story musically.

I have been through a lot of situations as a musician, and not only just as a musician but also as an individual in life.

For you to be a great individual you have to go through certain things.

TN: So, you say Handiperi Power is a composition that reflects your life, your ups and downs and that you have had struggles?

Talk to me about that life that ends up influencing you to create such a powerful song?

What has it been like being Nutty-O, 29 years old?

NO: You know, I would like to believe that everybody has a dream, and it is that dream that propels you to engage in processes, in ways that would end up actualising you to be who you want to be.

I have always had a dream of being a great individual, great in all sorts because greatness does not have any measure or boundary.

I wanted to be just a great individual, I want to be somebody who impacts lives.

I want to be somebody who brings joy, and I want to be a light that reflects into the world, I want to bring part of these good things.

You know for you to be that person you need to also conquer certain things in your own lane.

So yes, that whole process from point A to point C or point Z, there are all of these things that I was going through propelling me to be at this stage right now.

I feel like I am not yet there, but I am also somewhere I never really thought I would be.

TN: Wow.

NO: So, it is an ongoing process of just trying to purify your inner self towards your goal, purify the process, purify the act like you learn from each and every thing.

TN: Fascinatingly as you are talking right now about the hardships and conquering things, one of the things that I have conquered myself is fear and doubt.

Doubting myself quite a lot, but I have found a way of dealing with that.

What is that you have conquered in your life?

NO: There is a saying, we all fight fear, and without fear you cannot literally be a winner because you have to have all of that.

More of the times I am overly confident about myself and what I do.

I believe I influence, I have an aura around me that influences the environment that I am in, but I have battled, had resistance and probably realising that the scope does not really relate with me the way I want it to relate to.

You are always around people, who do not really understand you, which is a great thing because I understand great individuals are misunderstood most of the time.

You are like an elusive figure around.

TN: People want you to fit within certain?

NO: Yes. They want you to fit but you are a misfit, and what you do they do not see it quickly.

It is like you are an elusive figure, they will always catch up later and say oh we see what he was trying to do.

So, I was battling resistance most of the time, I am always battling resistance most of the time.

Trying to make my environment colour up with me, because maybe I am in a different space, I see a different life and vision and sometimes it is just too pristine and too forward for where I am you know.

I am overly confident about these things, which kind of unsettles a lot of things enough of the time.

TN: A lot of people? A number of times?

NO: So I am battling stability, consensus with the environment, I end up trying to fit in, I end up trying to lower myself to fit the environment.

TN: How does that feel? Lowering yourself to fit a certain environment when you are a misfit?

NO: It is a big job. Sometimes if you are not careful it might mar your substance for good.

So you need to be in the balance and I believe you have to get to a point you no longer care about fitting in.

You actually care about inviting the energy that you want around you, because I know there is an aura in this earth that governs the energy and it is all energy that  kind of corresponds to the nature of thoughts that you keep.

So, I always make sure that I am me and I do not try to fit in, I want to maintain what is me and what is for me will be attracted naturally, it will come through.

TN: This is because we are all unique isn’t it? We are all different?

We do not have or be like the next person? Is that the sense that you live by?

NO: Yes. We are all unique, and what is for you will come through for you because it is all energy, at the end of the day what you give out comes back.

You have the nature of thoughts, they reflect and they bring back likewise and similar energies back to you.

TN: Fascinating and very deep. You are 29 years old.

  • You were born like I said when we started, Carrington Simbarashe Chiwadza.
  • Your stage name, your name as an artist is Nutty-O DeBoi.
  • The short name is Nutty-O. Talk to us about how you came to that name?

NO: So, as creative in the process of creating, you create based on the mood, zone, times and what is going on at that time.

That time when I got that name Nutty-O I was at school.

The name Nutty came from the term naughty.

I was kind of a naughty kid at school, mischief.

I was overwhelming and had too much energy so they called me the nutty operator at school.

The ‘O’ is for operator.

Then going deep, as I discovered my artistic juices, then was a dancer, I was doing anything that had to do with arts, I was creative in all sorts.

Discovering that I had this musical juice inside of me, I had to create the name to suit my alter ego as a musician.

So, Nutty now is an English term which means mad or crazy.

So crazy in what sense? Crazy in a musical way.

The way I create, the way I resonate with the sound, the sonics is very crazy, it is not normal, it is a bit outside of the normal paradigm.

Now it was the Nutty Operator, at the same time the nutty outside, an outsider, I am always trying to you know, I act outside, behave outside, I do not want to be boxed into a certain corner.

I always work outside that box, whatever it is that I do is a bit above what is considered normal.

So yes, that is how Nutty-O came to be.

The other thing, there was this R&B songwriter/singer from the United States of America, his name is Omarion.

So, at that time I used to be a dancer in hip hop, and I was inspired by him.

So, the ‘O’ has a lot of ‘O’s’ within it. Outside, Omarion, Operator.

TN: Wow, that is powerful. O-De Boi, what does that mean?

NO: O-De Boi, it means that is Jamaican, so it means the boy in English.

So Nutty-O De Boi. People used to call me that.

TN: Your professional career Nutty-O started in 2013? Talk to me about what you were doing before 2013? Which schools did you go to?

NO: So yeah, 2013 it was me just affirming myself that now I was going for this, anything Welsh that I am doing cannot amount to, you know like passion took over.

I have been a musical individual growing up but then in 2013 is when I really realised that.

My mum wanted me to be an auto-electrician.

She wanted me to be all of these things, but what makes me lose sleep, I cannot lose sleep over these things, I was getting bored, I was feeling stuffed.

I lost touch with myself, I lost touch with who I was, but what made me tick, really at the end of the day passion will always take over.

If you are in the passionate realms you can live life.

I went for ‘A’ Level at Cranborne Boys High School.

My mum wanted me to be an accountant, at that time it changed a lot.

I wanted to be an auto-electrician, at some point I wanted to be all of these things.

So, it was a process of changing and moving into different things.

When you are growing up you are really trying to discover yourself, and the biggest thing I have discovered is the biggest challenge is to discover who you are while you are who you are.

TN: Have you discovered who you are?

NO: Yes.

TN: Who are you?

NO: I am Nutty-O and I create energies, I create energies.

In the Biblical sense, we were born in His likeness, we were born in God’s likeness so we are to some extent mini gods so we create in His likeness.

So music creation.

TN: He lives through us.

NO: Creating a song that will impact the next person.

Thinking about that, that whole process, that whole creative process.

That is me, I create an energy that can heal someone, I create an environment, I give intangible wealth, I do all within that paradigm.

I am me, that is Nutty-O. So, I discovered myself. I am a musician and I am born to deliver.

TN: What did mom say about that? Where she wanted you to be an accountant? A motor mechanic?

NO: Up to now that conversation still, you know, happens. I believe that is the nature of mothers.

So sometimes in between we are okay, everything is fine then we are like okay so you really decided to…

TN: Hahahaha. Are you going to change your mind about this thing!

NO: I am still doing my studies though.

TN: What are you studying?

NO: Telecommunications systems and I do a lot of things.

Sometimes when I get time because one thing for sure is to make the black mind read. Induce the black mind.

The more you are induced the more you are exposed, the more you read, the more you gather knowledge and the better you become as an individual.

So, I have done marketing, a certified digital marketer, still doing my telecoms that I have put on hold because now I am at a point where it is just overwhelming with the music.

  • l“In Conversation With Trevor” is a weekly show broadcast on YouTube.com//InConversationWithTrevor. Please get your free YouTube subscription to this channel. The conversations are sponsored by Nyaradzo Group.