AFRO-POP singer Terrence “Tiergo” Zandawa says taking his forthcoming album Wekwa Zandawa to both local and international fans is a gesture in honour of their unwavering support.

Although Tiergo is yet to launch the album that features up-and-coming Nigerian artiste Bucci on a track called Ezjyoko, he is promoting some of the songs at his live shows.

As part of the initiative to promote the album to be launched this month, Tiergo staged a successful show in Botswana.

“I initiated the album launch tour in Botswana on October 22 and at the end of November I will be in Zimbabwe, my home country, where I will tour the country. In the same month I will also visit South Africa and perform in Cape Town and Johannesburg,” he told NewsDay Life & Style.

The 26-year-old singer said what prompted him to promote the album through performing the songs in selected neighbouring countries was the huge following he has in those countries.

“I love my fans in South Africa and I trust that they will come in their numbers to the shows. I still remember one show I did with Buffalo Soul Jah, Nox and Trevor Dongo. It was a huge success, hence I want them to be ready for another dance,” he said.

Locally, Tiergo has worked with various artistes, among them urban groover Dongo on the hit track Ndipe Moyo, which was released in 2018.

On the forthcoming album, Dongo was featured on a track called Let Me Love You alongside music producer Lazzie T, real name Lazarus Tichaona Chapo.

He has also collaborated with Afro singer Terry Afrika on the song Mumoyo.

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