BY HARRIET CHIKANDIWA THE country‘s mainstream media has been urged to promote awareness and counter disinformation through fact-checking before publishing or broadcasting stories.

This was said by various stakeholders on Tuesday during a Media Institute of Southern Africa Zimbabwe workshop held in the capital.

Media Alliance of Zimbabwe programmes officer Nigel Nyamutumbu urged mainstream media to reclaim their role as trustworthy and reliable sources of news in the face of social media.

“While the emerging platforms online have democratised the media, the challenge has been a counter weakness of declining professional standards that pollute the information space,” Nyamutumbu said.

“The onus, therefore, is on the media to strategise around retaining audiences by demonstrating that they are not only experts in mitigating information and countering disinformation, but are authorities of truth.”

Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Media and Broadcasting member and Zanu PF Beitbridge legislator Albert Nguluvhe said the committee was ready to engage various stakeholders including government on the need to align media laws with the Constitution.

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“It is recommended that the media must report factually. There is need to verify information before disseminating it to the public, to avoid misinforming people which can result in bringing disharmony and despondency,” Nguluvhe said.

Combined Harare Residents Association Rueben Akili said responsible journalism was crucial as the country heads towards the 2023 elections.

“Ahead of the 2023 elections, social media has become a platform for disinformation. We also call on media houses to conduct fact checks before publishing stories and refrain from channelling out propaganda for the purposes of manipulating public opinion,” Akili said.

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