Tshabangu labels suspension a ‘sideshow, null, void’

Sengezo Tshabangu

CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) self-proclaimed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu has described his suspension from the party as a sideshow which is null and void.

On Thursday, acting CCC president Welshman Ncube suspended Tshabangu barely hours after the High Court ruled that the latter had no power to effect changes in Parliament.

Ncube said Tshabangu would be hauled to a hearing for putting the party into disrepute.

“And now, therefore, by virtue of the power vested in me in terms of the said Clause,, I hereby suspend you from the party and all positions you hold and/or purport to hold in the party on the grounds that you have acted in brazen breach of the party’s constitution, rules and regulations by inter alia, acting in defiance of my authority, the authority of the national standing committee, the national executive committee and the national council,” Ncube said in a letter.

“In or about the months of November/December 2024, you have made and/or purported to make changes and decisions on behalf of the party without my authority or the authority of any organ of the party and communicating such decisions to State institutions in breach of the party’s constitution and rules.”

However, Tshabangu through his spokesperson Nqobizitha Mlilo said the embattled leader had not received the suspension letter.

“Senator Tshabangu has not received any suspension letter from Professor Ncube. It would be strange if it were to happen,” he said.

“The position is and has been that the terms of office of structures of the party as they are detailed in Article 6 of the party’s constitution expired. We are in search of a legally sound political solution to that issue.

“In any event, suspensions of members of the party are not done by the president and or the acting president. That power resides elsewhere.”

Mlilo said Tshabangu will not be responding to “side shows”.

“He is focusing on finding solutions to serious political problems we have as a country. This can only be done by a determined focus on nation building, and finding national consensus on things as Zimbabweans,” he said.

“It is this which is the immediate political need. The people of Zimbabwe will benefit from this solution seeking process than disciplinary hearings.”

Mlilo said Ncube’s 90 days of being acting president has since expired.

“Is Ncube still legally the President of the party? An emphatic no! His term of office is over and cannot suspend anyone,” he said.

Meanwhile, the circus in CCC continued yesterday, with Ncube’s spokesperson Willias Madzimure dismissing the Nelson Chamisa loyal faction that Jameson Timba is the party leader.

“The CCC has noted with concern a statement issued by Jameson Timba, in which he purported to be the interim party leader and chief administrator of the CCC party,” Madzimure said.

“We categorically dismiss and refute the claims made in that statement. There is no position of party leader and administrator under the CCC party constitution.”

Madzimure said Ncube remained the acting CCC president.

“For the record, Nelson Chamisa resigned as president of the CCC party over twelve months ago and was replaced by acting president Welshman Ncube, whose position has been confirmed by the latest High Court ruling,” he said.

“The High Court decision, the day before yesterday confirmed that there is only one CCC, led by acting president Professor Welshman Ncube.”

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